Letter Writing

If you need an important letter (or email) written, look no further.

I write engaging, impactful letters for all manner of business and personal situations.

The letters I write have personality, substance, and clearly get across what you want to get across. People read them from beginning to end.  

My letters have saved huge accounts, helped students get into prestigious universities, assisted people with legal/work issues, increased donations for non-profits, and even once made the US Government change their mind and overturn a trademark denial for a client.

If you need the words to work a little magic, I’d be happy to do that for you.

In a world of quick, throwaway communication, the impact of a clear and meaningful letter is magnified tenfold. If you need to get something important across, business or personal, I’m your guy. 

About Letter Writing


Some letters are important enough to hire a professional like me.

You want the letter to get attention, keep attention, and get across what you want to get across. And you want the reader to feel or do something.

These are the kinds of letters I write. The letters that are really important.

Some recent letters I’ve written:

  • A letter of apology from a CEO to his largest client. The sincere letter was fully read, they communicated, and the account was saved.
  • A personal statement for a coveted medical internship at one of the world’s most renowned hospitals. She got in. She was a smart student with a solid application, but there were probably 100 other equally qualified people (college is like that.) At that point, a great personal statement helps. I’ve also written successful personal statements for Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, and lots of other less-famous places.
  • An introduction letter for a salesperson. He leads his office in sales. His co-workers hate him. He loves it. 
  • I’ve helped legal immigrants with their personal statement.
  • Letters for other legal or professional reasons, like explaining a past incident, expressing remorse, etc.
  • In 2023 I even wrote someone a 4-page “I’m sorry, please take me back” letter. And she took him back! (I’m not kidding – it took a month, but the letter opened the door).

A good letter, in the right situation, can be life-changing.

Most letters run $250-$350 for a one-page letter (this includes a call or email exchange for me to get the details). All letters for first-time clients are prepaid in full. I take PayPal and Zelle so it’s easy and safe.

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